Mom really had to make that $4.75/hour stretch.

        17 months ago

        Um. Bowl cuts are in style NOW. Have you not seen those 20-something TikTok guys who are so sure they’re the most attractive person in the world? Bowl cuts.

        And bowl cuts weren’t cringe in the 90s. Hence why we all had them. It was an accepted style of the time, and because the most horrible styles of the 90s are suddenly on trend again, they’re not cringe now—according to general consensus and fashion. It’s all relative. You or I can look back at our bowl cuts and think they look terrible, but they didn’t have the same context when they were on our heads back then. And they don’t for the people who got that haircut now.

          87 months ago

          As someone who was a kid through the 90s, we made fun of the kids with bowl cuts. They were cringe then.

            -27 months ago

            Are you sure you’re not dealing with false memories here? We were kids. Sure, after we all lost the bowl cuts and became adolescents, we made fun of/were embarrassed of the haircuts we used to have.

            But no one at all in my life ever even discussed our haircuts until we were old enough to want to be someone else. Or maybe you’re younger than I am and I lost my bowl cut with the times and some kids had them stick around through when you were a kid.

            But there was zero discussion of them until we didn’t have them anymore in anyone i ever knew. But we all definitely had them as young kids.

              37 months ago

              I explicitly remember making fun of Matt for his haircut in grade 6, which was 2001. I still consider that being a kid.

      137 months ago

      I’m putting it out there now, cringe will continue to evolve and the feeling will get elaborated and exaggerated until the new version of cringe will basically be imploding into yourself like a black hole or being spaghettified.

      • Justin
        197 months ago

        I used to be cringe, but then they changed what cringe was. Now I’m not cringe anymore and what is cringe seems weird and scary. based af