I have some basic experience but I wanna be proficient and have a cli based workflow; I’m currently on Arch with GNOME

  • @nyan@lemmy.cafe
    31 year ago

    Switch to Gentoo. Either your command-line abilities will improve, or you will run screaming into the night before you manage to get X (or Wayland) up and running. 😜

  • AItoothbrush
    31 year ago

    Try to install arch without archinstall and look on the arch wiki and set up everything up in the terminal(sound, wifi, file managment, etc). When you get stuck just use google or the arch wiki(stay away from ubuntu guides bc they are usually copy and paste). If you understand the base tools try writing bash scripts to automate tasks that you do in your workflow. Good luck!

  • @qjkxbmwvz@lemmy.sdf.org
    21 year ago

    First thing I’d do is ditch the GUI file manager: get comfortable with cd, ls, mv, rm, etc.

    After that, maybe start with basic text manipulation, like grep, awk, sort, uniq, etc. This ties in nicely with IO redirection, which is essential for a “CLI based workflow.” Get comfortable with pipes and file redirection, it’s extremely powerful!

    Writing shell scripts is another super useful exercise: any time you find yourself running the same set of commands multiple times, think about making it a shell script. You may end up with some really useful little custom tools that way.

  • Ric0la
    11 year ago

    Start to use command line tools like mutt, links and so on. Okay, maybe not links, but mutt is still the best MUA around.

    And whenever you are asked to get some data out of an excel sheet, export it to csv and use sed, awk, grep, wc, cut, uniq, sort, head, tail and stuff.

    No, stuff is not a command afaik 😁

    • Arcaneslime
      11 year ago

      “Stuff” should be a compression tool, you tar it, then gz it, then stuff it down even further into tar.gz.stuff

  • @carcus@lemmy.ml
    11 year ago

    Dedicate a set amount of time when you only use the cli to accomplish things. Pick simple, low risk things like cleaning up unneeded downloads in your downloads directory. Start with one file then try wildcards, brace expansion and regex.

    View logs and grep to find specific events. Investigate (read only) what type of data is provided under different directories under /.

    Use online resources to learn a scripting language, bash is convenient to start with, as it’s a common default shell and can be used for scripting. Learning bash can translate to one liners and eventually scripts.

    This is a good resource, but I would recommend to not read it like a book, but maybe investigate sections of interest after you get a feel for some of the early topics: https://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/

  • @mim@lemmy.sdf.org
    11 year ago

    Lots of people are suggesting using TUI applications.

    While I don’t disagree that will make you more comfortable spending time in the terminal, you’re not really getting better at the command line (CLI).

    I recommend you learn the basics of how the shell works. This is a good resource: https://effective-shell.com/

  • @bzImage@lemmy.ml
    11 year ago

    When i first started woking at a Unix maker… my task for my first 2 months was to know and document every file in /etc, /usr/bin/ and /bin…

    After that month, my mentor ask me …

    what /usr/bin/ldd does ? and show me an example.

  • Ninguém
    11 year ago

    Someone already mentioned The art of command-line. It’s a start.

    And just use it… you’ll get better at it with time and practice.

    Also, make sure your use of the CLI enhances your workflow, or it won’t work.